That amazing brand name or business name you have is valuable. Valuables should be protected and a brand can be protected by registering it as a trade mark.

Why would you want to trade mark your brand name?

By having a brand name that is unique and that no one else can copy guarantees your competitive advantage. If you are the only one who can offer that product or service under that specific brand name it means that your customers will never get confused. If someone else uses your brand without your say so, with a trade mark registration, you can take action to stop them.

Is your trade mark available?

There are many products and services on the market so you need to make sure that you choose a name that is not already a registered trade mark for the same goods or services. If you fail to register your trade mark, someone else may come along and register it for the same goods or services and ask you to stop using the brand. Rebranding is expensive and has many hidden costs including loss of goodwill and customers when you change domain names and social media names.

Is your brand name also your company name?

If you have registered your name as your company name you may also be able to register it as a trade mark. A company name is the name of your business. A trade mark is the intellectual property which is a sign a consumer uses to identify where the goods and services come from, so if they have a positive experience they can repeat it and a negative experience they can avoid it. A company name does not prevent others from using your brand, only a trade mark registration does. Many people think they are safe as they have registered the domain name and company name but only a trade mark registration guarantees your exclusive right of use.

Registering your brand as a trade mark is affordable.

You may think that trade mark registration is expensive, we have set up our online trade mark serviceTradeMark Tribe to bring affordable services to ambitious business owners. A registration lasts for 10 years and can be renewed. Spread that cost over the many years you will be in business and the ten years your registration is valid for, you will see that trade marks are extremely affordable. Your brand name is packed with potential. Customers use it to buy from your business. The loss of these rights put the company in a very serious position. Once the rights to Intellectual Property have been lost, a business has no choice but to fight to protect it, buy it back, or to rebrand, all of which pose a significant financial risk and the risk of loss of customers.

We are more than happy to have a no obligation confidential conversation if you would like to explore how to patent your invention.

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